Carson City, Nevada, United States
time : Dec 8, 2024 9:09 AM
duration : 12h 52m 37s
distance : 250 mi
total_ascent : 10667 ft
highest_point : 8492 ft
avg_speed : 19.4 mi/h
user_id : keung8
user_firstname :
user_lastname :
12/8/24 - Highway 88 trip
1. Kings Canyon Waterfalls, should be much nicer last weekend
2. Nevada State Railway Museum Virginia & Truckee Locomotive No. 25
3. Desolation Hotel Hope Valley
4. Frozen Red Lake about 1.5 miles walk for Frozen bubbles
5. Red Lake Overlook
6. Highway 88 stops for Round Top and The Sisters
7.Caples Lake and sunset lighting watching
8. Carson Spur after sunset lighting watching
9. Shot Rock Vista Point after sunset lighting watching
10. Lockeford Christmas Lights
11. Pleasant Widmer World Christmas Lights