Elsbethen, Salzburg, Austria
time : Jan 7, 2025 2:39 PM
duration : 2h 49m 40s
distance : 8.7 mi
total_ascent : 2142 ft
highest_point : 3443 ft
avg_speed : 3.1 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Late Afternoon Hike from the Parking Lot Erentrudisalm (914 m) across the Street from the Restaurant 🅿️ towards Mühlstein on a Snowed in Trail to the Highpoint in the Forest with a Summit Cross and Bench but not much of a View, Went across and over the Summit to follow another snowy Trail and further down various Forest Roads towards Eberstein which is marked on Trail Signs but the Highpoint is not clear on top of a Cliff in the Woods. Apparently there is also a Summit Cross which I did not Locate nore did I find a Highpoint Marker, probably under the Snow today, according to the Topo Map I was on the Highest possible Point. No View from this vantage Point but a bit further out there is a clearing of the Forest which allows some View but was not that Great in todays Weather Conditions, Went back the same way for most part and crossing over to Erentrudisalm on a Forest Road without re-climbing Mühlstein.