Baglan Taluka, Maharashtra, India
time : Dec 22, 2024 7:16 AM
duration : 4h 54m 35s
distance : 6.2 km
total_ascent : 665 m
highest_point : 1065 m
avg_speed : 1.7 km/h
user_id : KunalKadam
user_firstname : kunal
user_lastname : kadam
When we reach at temple, one route going ahead at left and one at right. right route was the main route goes to top on fort. And that's the main and safe route. but we take left route which is difficult. so better avoid this route, if you are unexperience. by this left route we done circular round (pradikshana) to the top patch of mountain . this route later meet with right route and goes at top of mountain.
P.S - If your not experience trekker and don't have expertise avoid left route.