Surjagad Fort Gadchiroli

This fort open only for 3 days in a year during jatra of Bhagwan Thakur. rest of the days of the year this fort is forbidden due to Naxal activities. so after this 3 day you need permission (may be from force) dont try without permission naxalite mmay shoot you ( or may be crpf because they will think you are naxal, i think). on the first day of the jatra villager may not allowed you until they worship in temple of Thakur Bhagwan at base village. after that they goes up on fort to sacrifice goat in open temple (devach thana in my opinion) on the top of the fort. after sacrificed of goat on first day. Jatra started in the base near Thakur temple. we went on 2nd day after villager start ascend fort after 10.30 am. without villager we didn't start our trek because we don't know the route and its in denst forest. also there are so many crpf troops inside jungle. they ask you,"do you know the route, if you don't then go with villager" (Soldier told us). from Thakur temple starting route is difficult to search. and you can't see the fort from base, after we reach halfway we saw the pinnacle of the fort. till the top of the temple you'll find fortification wall. at some point you reach to fortification wall (tatbandi) villager people go bear foot, some villager go from base village. some people told us go without shoes but walking bear foot was difficult to us. but at some point near Rock patch near main bastion we remove our shoes and go bear foot. but very few villager come.with slipper.nd shoes. but remove it at the bastion Gate. most of the villager come with Cock and goat to sacrifice them. temple is the last point of the fort. because of denst bush and forest you can't explore forts any monuments. i am.sure there will be more monuments on fort but you need to axe or knife to search in denst bush and forest.


Etapalli Taluka, Maharashtra, India
KunalKadam photo
time : Jan 6, 2025 10:24 AM
duration : 5h 41m 49s
distance : 13.7 km
total_ascent : 517 m
highest_point : 595 m
avg_speed : 2.5 km/h
user_id : KunalKadam
user_firstname : kunal
user_lastname : kadam
This fort open only for 3 days in a year during jatra of Bhagwan Thakur. rest of the days of the year this fort is forbidden due to Naxal activities. so after this 3 day you need permission (may be from force) dont try without permission naxalite mmay shoot you ( or may be crpf because they will think you are naxal, i think). on the first day of the jatra villager may not allowed you until they worship in temple of Thakur Bhagwan at base village. after that they goes up on fort to sacrifice goat in open temple (devach thana in my opinion) on the top of the fort. after sacrificed of goat on first day. Jatra started in the base near Thakur temple. we went on 2nd day after villager start ascend fort after 10.30 am. without villager we didn't start our trek because we don't know the route and its in denst forest. also there are so many crpf troops inside jungle. they ask you,"do you know the route, if you don't then go with villager" (Soldier told us). from Thakur temple starting route is difficult to search. and you can't see the fort from base, after we reach halfway we saw the pinnacle of the fort. till the top of the temple you'll find fortification wall. at some point you reach to fortification wall (tatbandi) villager people go bear foot, some villager go from base village. some people told us go without shoes but walking bear foot was difficult to us. but at some point near Rock patch near main bastion we remove our shoes and go bear foot. but very few villager come.with slipper.nd shoes. but remove it at the bastion Gate. most of the villager come with Cock and goat to sacrifice them. temple is the last point of the fort. because of denst bush and forest you can't explore forts any monuments. i am.sure there will be more monuments on fort but you need to axe or knife to search in denst bush and forest.
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