If having a private vehicle always route from Dugad or Mohili village is suitable as it’s a shorter well marked route. Best time December to February. Avoid in humid conditions
Bhiwandi Taluka, Maharashtra, India
time : Oct 6, 2024 8:26 AM
duration : 7h 53m 33s
distance : 14.5 km
total_ascent : 645 m
highest_point : 553 m
avg_speed : 2.2 km/h
user_id : AnthonyDsouza
user_firstname : TREKS N TRAILS
user_lastname :
Ascend via Usgaon from Vajreshwari Road ST stop is around 8-9 kms. Requires good endurance no tricky patches except in the last stretch when climbing the fort (risky in monsoon).
Descend through Mohili village is very simple and easy no rock patches. While descending we tried to descend to Usgaon village only trying to take a different route. However we lost the trail and then decided to come down via Mohili village route.
The GPS route from Usgaon till the fort is perfect. However if descending via Mohili route don’t depend on the GPS route. Attached screenshot where we lost the actual trail and the correct route as well.