Seven Fingered Jack

About the Mountain and climbing info: GPX tracks: "Seven Fingered Jack (7FJ) is the second highest of the three 9,000 foot peaks that make up the Entiat Cirque. The other two are Mt. Maude and Mt. Fernow". Their ridges are connected forming a horseshoes shaped bowl feeding the Entiat River. At 9,100 ft, SFJ is ranked #12 on the Washington Bulger List. Due to the long drive and the shared approach, climbers usually plan 2- or 3-day overnight trips that tag 7FJ+Maude or 7FJ+Maude+South Spectacle Butt (SSB) or 7FJ+Fenow together. A few years ago, I did an overnight trip with 2 friends for Maude+SSB. One summited both, the other turned back without summiting any and I made to the base of the summit block but failed to summit SSB. This year I decided to tag 7FJ and redo SSB. Early October is defiantly the best time to attempt them with beautiful fall colors. SFJ was my first c2c-solo-fall-color hike this season. I enjoyed the trip very much even though the larch forest haven't turned to their prime colors. Trip summary: 13.7 mi round trip 8,307 ft total elevation gain 15 hours duration (ascent 7.5 hours, easy pace; decent 7.5 hours, with a lot photo stops) My take about the standard route Route finding: Route finding was straightforward. Just download a few gpx tracks to your gps device and follow them( Don't pick and download the gpx tracks from the submitters who noted in their reports that they were off route). Don't get screwed by SFJ's middle fingers. The true summit finger is the far-north little finger. Route difficult level: The scramble is class-2 if you stay on the route.


Boots for the cold morning approach and up and down scramble, runners for descending from SFJ-Maude junction back to the TH
Chelan County, Washington, United States
QiangLuo photo
time : Oct 3, 2024 3:36 AM
duration : 14h 54m 4s
distance : 22 km
total_ascent : 2532 m
highest_point : 2773 m
avg_speed : 1.5 km/h
user_id : QiangLuo
user_firstname : Qiang
user_lastname : Luo
About the Mountain and climbing info: GPX tracks: "Seven Fingered Jack (7FJ) is the second highest of the three 9,000 foot peaks that make up the Entiat Cirque. The other two are Mt. Maude and Mt. Fernow". Their ridges are connected forming a horseshoes shaped bowl feeding the Entiat River. At 9,100 ft, SFJ is ranked #12 on the Washington Bulger List. Due to the long drive and the shared approach, climbers usually plan 2- or 3-day overnight trips that tag 7FJ+Maude or 7FJ+Maude+South Spectacle Butt (SSB) or 7FJ+Fenow together. A few years ago, I did an overnight trip with 2 friends for Maude+SSB. One summited both, the other turned back without summiting any and I made to the base of the summit block but failed to summit SSB. This year I decided to tag 7FJ and redo SSB. Early October is defiantly the best time to attempt them with beautiful fall colors. SFJ was my first c2c-solo-fall-color hike this season. I enjoyed the trip very much even though the larch forest haven't turned to their prime colors. Trip summary: 13.7 mi round trip 8,307 ft total elevation gain 15 hours duration (ascent 7.5 hours, easy pace; decent 7.5 hours, with a lot photo stops) My take about the standard route Route finding: Route finding was straightforward. Just download a few gpx tracks to your gps device and follow them( Don't pick and download the gpx tracks from the submitters who noted in their reports that they were off route). Don't get screwed by SFJ's middle fingers. The true summit finger is the far-north little finger. Route difficult level: The scramble is class-2 if you stay on the route.
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