Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
time : Dec 20, 2024 9:45 AM
duration : 2h 33m 30s
distance : 8.9 km
total_ascent : 115 m
highest_point : 22 m
avg_speed : 4.0 km/h
user_id : AlbertEKang
user_firstname : Euigoo
user_lastname : Kang
The Track: Limani’s Narrabeen - Footbridge over South Creek - Claude’s Playground - Bilarong Reserve - Middle Creek Reserve - Pipeclay Point - Jamieson Park - Cabana Beach Kiosk
Who Walked: Melissa Bernard, David Carlson, Euigoo Kang, Dale McKay, Sam McKay, Annette Smith, Jim Smith, Robert Williams
Joined at Cabana: Bruce Cowled
Who Couldn’t Make It: Brett Condon, Margot McKay
Another great day out walking this beautiful trail with such good company and in perfect weather—27°C under the bluest sky. David insists that walking a circuit trail counter-clockwise somehow makes it shorter, so we let him lead the way… this time, on blessedly flat ground with no steps—haha!
Great to see a healthy Bruce back with us, and Sam too.
We missed you, Brett and Margot!
Looking forward to seeing everyone next month on 31 Jan 2025.