Rule number one of leading: Never admit that you don't know where you are
England, United Kingdom
time : Feb 3, 2016 9:48 AM
duration : 6h 7m 16s
distance : 20.9 mi
total_ascent : 1457 ft
highest_point : 375 ft
avg_speed : 3.4 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
A big following for Ray's first ever attempt at leading a ride. I suspect most of us were curious to see if he made a dog's dinner of it or not. We set off for our first stop Iver Flowerland, arriving without any mishaps. Following the coffee break Ray then led us toward our lunch stop the Village Hall in Chalfont St Peter. We had crossed Iver Heath when Ray suddenly ducked down a track that we had never used before. It came out into a huge field. We cycled around its perimeter looking for an exit which we eventually located and found ourselves on the road by Pinewood studios. Following an excellent price-u-like lunch our departure was held up by Lawrie who discovered that he had a puncture (again). Puncture fixed we headed back to Colne Valley Park for tea before dispersing.
An excellent day out with Ray - looking forward to more rides with him leading
Puffing Loiterer.