Uxbridge, Uxbridge Loiterers, Loiterers
Slough, England, United Kingdom
time : Oct 12, 2014 8:53 AM
duration : 6h 34m 56s
distance : 29 mi
total_ascent : 499 ft
highest_point : 296 ft
avg_speed : 4.4 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Despite the fact that Jim (today's ride leader) had no idea of where he was or where he was going to - he fooled the 4 of us following him by cycling in a confident if not arrogant manner. We eventually arrive at the Bells in Staines following a rather bizarre route. We were joined for lunch by Robin and Marta. Journey back followed a more traditional route including the mad dog behind the fence track.
Uxbridge to Uxbridge 27 miles
Puffing Loiterer.
P.S. This ride story is a quick test of a new hosting service as Every Trail has more or less died.