Naked Ladies & Car Parks

Woody's medium ride, on the warmest day of the year so far, attracted 5 followers to head for the Greyhound at Kew. First surprise of the day was when Woody took us through the acres of car park behind Hillingdon Hospital before picking up the more usual route to Stockley Park for coffee and a look at the naked ladies in the lake (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 1 begins: The ladies are sculptures made of cold cast bronze by sculptor Kevin Altherton in 1988 from a live model - Sarah Northey the British Synchronised Swimmer of the year 1987. The castings were manufactured by the Morrison Frederick Cold Casting Foundry). A car park fixation then took hold of Woody as we circled our way round the maze of car parks at Stockley before stopping outside the Inhibitions Gentlemen's Club where they celebrate the naked female form in dance around a stainless steel pole. Hoorah thought I - but the stop was so that we could drag our bikes down the steps to the canal. Sadly the canal in the Hayes area looks like someone has dumped 4 truck loads of rubbish in it. Arriving at the Greyhound we had a gourmet like meal for a fiver - a lip smacking bargain. Heading back along the Thames we paused at York House Gardens to check out the naked ladies there. (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 2 begins: The statues represent Oceanides the sea nymphs of Greek Mythology and are reputed to have come from the studios of Orazio Andreoni in Rome at the turn of the 19th century. They had been the property of Whiticker Wright the Victorian financial swindler). Next stop was at Crane Park to look at the Shot Tower (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 3 begins: The tower was built in 1823 by a Mr Jacob of Hanwell for the manufacture of lead shot). Last stop of the day was at the Moniz cafe on the A4 for an afternoon coffee before heading back to Uxbridge. A great day out with Woody - well done matey ! Puffing Loiterer P.S. It turns out that the medium ride was shorter than Jim's short ride by a mile !

Road Biking

If you want to know about car parks then see Woody
England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Apr 8, 2015 9:55 AM
duration : 6h 40m 9s
distance : 33.3 mi
total_ascent : 673 ft
highest_point : 219 ft
avg_speed : 5.0 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Woody's medium ride, on the warmest day of the year so far, attracted 5 followers to head for the Greyhound at Kew. First surprise of the day was when Woody took us through the acres of car park behind Hillingdon Hospital before picking up the more usual route to Stockley Park for coffee and a look at the naked ladies in the lake (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 1 begins: The ladies are sculptures made of cold cast bronze by sculptor Kevin Altherton in 1988 from a live model - Sarah Northey the British Synchronised Swimmer of the year 1987. The castings were manufactured by the Morrison Frederick Cold Casting Foundry). A car park fixation then took hold of Woody as we circled our way round the maze of car parks at Stockley before stopping outside the Inhibitions Gentlemen's Club where they celebrate the naked female form in dance around a stainless steel pole. Hoorah thought I - but the stop was so that we could drag our bikes down the steps to the canal. Sadly the canal in the Hayes area looks like someone has dumped 4 truck loads of rubbish in it. Arriving at the Greyhound we had a gourmet like meal for a fiver - a lip smacking bargain. Heading back along the Thames we paused at York House Gardens to check out the naked ladies there. (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 2 begins: The statues represent Oceanides the sea nymphs of Greek Mythology and are reputed to have come from the studios of Orazio Andreoni in Rome at the turn of the 19th century. They had been the property of Whiticker Wright the Victorian financial swindler). Next stop was at Crane Park to look at the Shot Tower (Captain Morgan type nobby lecture 3 begins: The tower was built in 1823 by a Mr Jacob of Hanwell for the manufacture of lead shot). Last stop of the day was at the Moniz cafe on the A4 for an afternoon coffee before heading back to Uxbridge. A great day out with Woody - well done matey ! Puffing Loiterer P.S. It turns out that the medium ride was shorter than Jim's short ride by a mile !
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