There's basically no shade, so prepare accordingly. It's flat, flat, flat.
San Jose, California, United States
time : Oct 1, 2011 10:12 AM
duration : 2h 21m 21s
distance : 6 mi
total_ascent : 77 ft
highest_point : 45 ft
avg_speed : 2.6 mi/h
user_id : croyle
user_firstname : David
user_lastname : Croyle
This was going to be a much longer hike, but Dwayne overslept and so we started almost an hour behind schedule. Just as well, as Mike had injured one of his legs in a freak accident with his other foot...Still, this was a nice 6-mile hike in pleasant weather. We hiked the Mallard Slough trail just in time - which is why I chose this hike for today - as it will be closed for duck hunting season starting the following day. Also there was another sign, which if I read it correctly, suggested that the Mallard Slough trail will in fact be closed for a full *two years* for habitat restoration.As such, it seems that much of this hike won't be possible again for a couple of years. We may have only done half the hike I had planned, but at least we got the important part done!