Houston County, Texas, United States
time : Oct 8, 2024 8:52 AM
duration : 5h 13m 56s
distance : 13.4 mi
total_ascent : 282 ft
highest_point : 386 ft
avg_speed : 7.1 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Three volunteers worked in the DCNF, doing a few maintenance tasks:
- At the "WilderGram" parking lot, replaced the kiosk damaged by a tree strike. Installed new notices. Mowed. Mailbox needs additional bracing.
- At the Neches Bluff overlook, replaced 32 missing balusters. Picked up trash. Cut back beautyberries and mowed about 1/4 miles down the 4C trail. Straightened the guard rail. Will need 25 more balusters to finish, and 2-1/2" screws.
- Where the 4C crosses 511, mowed about 200 yards to the west, and about 1/4 mile to the east, where the trail steepens and drops to the Neches river.