Houston County, Texas, United States
time : Jan 8, 2025 8:46 AM
duration : 6h 4m 59s
distance : 16.9 mi
total_ascent : 364 ft
highest_point : 395 ft
avg_speed : 6.2 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
The TxCC crew is working in the Davy for 10 days, we got their help for a day in the wilderness. Started by sweeping water-trapping leaves and debris off the big metal bridge, then swept off the sections of the wilderness boardwalk we are working to restore. Found the three missing decks (downstream) that span the north slough, carried them back to the walkway and staged next to where they will be going. Pulled the 25' deck out of the south slough so it can dry out, was waterlogged and very heavy. Tied it down so it won't float off. Were able to salvage a header beam and reset span #10. Hotdogs for lunch are always great in the woods. The TxCC team did a great job getting us set up for the next workday to install piers and reset decks. That will get the heart of the wilderness boardwalk back in usable shape.