6/30/24 - Mount Rose 10.5 miles 2300ft in 7 hours 25 minutes

Picked Mount Roae between Echo Peak Echo Lakes plus Kings Canyon Waterfalls or Mount Rose with expectation of nice wildflowers and Galena Falls. Wildflowers may be about 2 weeks too early, but, expect nicer with much more snow in 3-4 weeks ago, snow free now. 8:35am heading to the trail from Mt Rose Summit parking lot ; 9:40am Galena Falls at 2.5 miles after a little bit over 1 hour 9:55am Heading to Mount Rose after about 15 minutes stop with expectation to Summit at noon 10:45am at Mount Rose Summit junction after 3.9 miles in 2 hours 10 minutes 11:40am at Mount Rose ahead of noon time, but, 5 minutes later than latest target at 11:35 or in 3 hours. 12:55pm heading to Mount Rose sub Peak 13:10pm back to Mount Rose and heading down, ~1.5 hours on Mount Rose 14:40pm back to Galena Falls after 8 miles 16:00pm back to parking after 10.5 miles in 7 hours 25 minutes.


Washoe County, Nevada, United States
keung8 photo
time : Jun 30, 2024 8:35 AM
duration : 7h 26m 3s
distance : 10.7 mi
total_ascent : 2750 ft
highest_point : 10722 ft
avg_speed : 1.4 mi/h
user_id : keung8
user_firstname :
user_lastname :
Picked Mount Roae between Echo Peak Echo Lakes plus Kings Canyon Waterfalls or Mount Rose with expectation of nice wildflowers and Galena Falls. Wildflowers may be about 2 weeks too early, but, expect nicer with much more snow in 3-4 weeks ago, snow free now. 8:35am heading to the trail from Mt Rose Summit parking lot ; 9:40am Galena Falls at 2.5 miles after a little bit over 1 hour 9:55am Heading to Mount Rose after about 15 minutes stop with expectation to Summit at noon 10:45am at Mount Rose Summit junction after 3.9 miles in 2 hours 10 minutes 11:40am at Mount Rose ahead of noon time, but, 5 minutes later than latest target at 11:35 or in 3 hours. 12:55pm heading to Mount Rose sub Peak 13:10pm back to Mount Rose and heading down, ~1.5 hours on Mount Rose 14:40pm back to Galena Falls after 8 miles 16:00pm back to parking after 10.5 miles in 7 hours 25 minutes.
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