Veliki Crnopac - 1404m

An interesting and Fun Route. Official Trailhead at Road D27 near Village Gračac, Seems a popular Mountain in the area. Good Scrambling Trail from the beginning, After a short distance the Trail forks, right is the Standard Route and Leads direkt to the Summit while the left Trail is the Via Ferrata Route advertised at the Trailhead. I didn’t pay attention to this detail and went for the Standard Route up. While the Trail is marked it’s still challenging at times to stay on it. First is a Notch I reached and it goes down a bit before going up to the Ridgeline and a right turn gets you directly to the Summit Marker passing a few false Summits along the way. Great Views in all directions. Register Box was empty. On my return I wanted to do the Via Ferrata as it was Late in the Day and nobody on the Mountain, This worked just fine for the first couple of Steel Cables till I somehow I lost the Route, Didn’t had much daylight left and didn’t want to waste time, I decided to head down straight more or less to catch up with my Route further down missing actually the best part of the Via Ferrata, Oh well, what mattered most that I reached the Car Safely in winding Daylight.


Općina Gračac, Croatia
Nuernbergerchef1 photo
time : Oct 15, 2024 2:46 PM
duration : 4h 5m 55s
distance : 5.2 mi
total_ascent : 2480 ft
highest_point : 4581 ft
avg_speed : 1.3 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
An interesting and Fun Route. Official Trailhead at Road D27 near Village Gračac, Seems a popular Mountain in the area. Good Scrambling Trail from the beginning, After a short distance the Trail forks, right is the Standard Route and Leads direkt to the Summit while the left Trail is the Via Ferrata Route advertised at the Trailhead. I didn’t pay attention to this detail and went for the Standard Route up. While the Trail is marked it’s still challenging at times to stay on it. First is a Notch I reached and it goes down a bit before going up to the Ridgeline and a right turn gets you directly to the Summit Marker passing a few false Summits along the way. Great Views in all directions. Register Box was empty. On my return I wanted to do the Via Ferrata as it was Late in the Day and nobody on the Mountain, This worked just fine for the first couple of Steel Cables till I somehow I lost the Route, Didn’t had much daylight left and didn’t want to waste time, I decided to head down straight more or less to catch up with my Route further down missing actually the best part of the Via Ferrata, Oh well, what mattered most that I reached the Car Safely in winding Daylight.
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