Admonter Reichenstein 2251 m 7383 ft.

Started the Hike in the Morning at Gasthof Donner 750 m 2460 ft. and made my way up to Mödlinger Hütte 1523 m 4995 ft. On a Forest Road and Trail. Great Views of the Peak und Hard to believe there excised a Scrambling Route up there. After the Hut is was Heldenkreuz. (Heroes Cross) which I reached first before the Trail drops down into a Dwarf Pine Allee and towards the Mountain. After that it goes up on loose Scree, Everything is well marked and can’t be missed, Once reaching almost the top the Trail or so called exposed Path turn left. Awkward as it downslope but good Hand and Footholds. After the first traverse the Nose is reached with the Key to this Route, For me as a Hiker the Route is exposed and does not forgive any mistake. Gingerly I made my way up in general good Rock Quality but prone to Rockfall Danger if more Parties on the Route. This was not the case today and the only other Party today was already on the Summit. Great Views from the Summit in all Directions. Was a bit nervous commons down as I had noted a few spots which was iffy at best but after I started to descend I got my confidence back and was down in a breeze. What a Great Route and the only Route up to the Peak which does not require a Rope but tolerance for exposure is helpful.


Admont, Styria, Austria
Nuernbergerchef1 photo
time : Oct 28, 2024 7:50 AM
duration : 6h 41m 35s
distance : 12.4 mi
total_ascent : 4846 ft
highest_point : 7397 ft
avg_speed : 2.0 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Started the Hike in the Morning at Gasthof Donner 750 m 2460 ft. and made my way up to Mödlinger Hütte 1523 m 4995 ft. On a Forest Road and Trail. Great Views of the Peak und Hard to believe there excised a Scrambling Route up there. After the Hut is was Heldenkreuz. (Heroes Cross) which I reached first before the Trail drops down into a Dwarf Pine Allee and towards the Mountain. After that it goes up on loose Scree, Everything is well marked and can’t be missed, Once reaching almost the top the Trail or so called exposed Path turn left. Awkward as it downslope but good Hand and Footholds. After the first traverse the Nose is reached with the Key to this Route, For me as a Hiker the Route is exposed and does not forgive any mistake. Gingerly I made my way up in general good Rock Quality but prone to Rockfall Danger if more Parties on the Route. This was not the case today and the only other Party today was already on the Summit. Great Views from the Summit in all Directions. Was a bit nervous commons down as I had noted a few spots which was iffy at best but after I started to descend I got my confidence back and was down in a breeze. What a Great Route and the only Route up to the Peak which does not require a Rope but tolerance for exposure is helpful.
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