There are steep steps just behind the Library - for wheels try the passageway beside the Library in Kings Road. Take twigs to try Pooh sticks at the blue bridge and something for the ducks on the Kennet.
Holybrook, Kennet, children,Reading Library, Riverside Museum,Bel and the Dragon,Reading Abbey,Oscar Wilde,Reading Abbey,river,weir
England, United Kingdom
time : Mar 20, 2015 1:34 PM
duration : 0h 1m 41s
distance : 0.6 mi
total_ascent : 16 ft
highest_point : 268 ft
avg_speed : N/A
user_id : Annette
user_firstname : Annette
user_lastname : Haworth
This trip (around 1km) is good with children as there is only one (very minor) road and things to do/see all along. You end up at the Bel and the Dragon should you need a reviving break.