A Rotton Day Out

My Mum sed I had to go on a skool xtrakorikular holiday bike aktivatee organized by Mr Morgan the history teecher. I didnt wont to go but she sed I had to and gave me 5 shilings for the trip and a note what sed I wasnt to go up any hills and not go fast. Mr Morgan poot the monee in a purs which had "My Beer Monee" rit on it - red the note and sed "Yeh rite, get to the back of the pelican" We set off going fast and up hills to Chalphont Saint Peta to stop at a church hole so he cood stuff his face with cheep cake. Then we set off agayn up some more rotton hills wot wer even mor steep. I had a punkchoor and Jimbo helpt me fix it but old Morgan went off befor we had done it propa and we had to pedal like mad to katch up. He was going so fast that poor Lorrys geers got all stuk. He stopt at a pub in Hammersham cold the Sarasens Hed wear the landlord gave him free beer for bringing us kids to spend our lunch monee. Then he sed "Hoo wants to see captayn cooks monumant ?" No one did but he still made us go (up mor hills and throo a skaree wood with snakes and things) to a crumblee towa. Thows of us in the no sneeked up on the roof to dodge the nobby lektchoor that ensewed .That dun he took us to a cafe cold Durans for a mug of tea. Then he took us down a horibl bumpy canal toe parth back to Uxbridge but harf way ther he left Jimbo, Lorry and me by sum mor woods and shot off with sum of the new boys and skool swots. We had to find our own way home and Lorry got us lost for a bit and poor Jimbo fell off his bike and skraped his nee but in the end we all got home. Wurst day of the skool holidaze so far ! Puffing Loiterer

Road Biking

England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Aug 5, 2015 8:50 AM
duration : 6h 25m 8s
distance : 31.7 mi
total_ascent : 1309 ft
highest_point : 621 ft
avg_speed : 4.9 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
My Mum sed I had to go on a skool xtrakorikular holiday bike aktivatee organized by Mr Morgan the history teecher. I didnt wont to go but she sed I had to and gave me 5 shilings for the trip and a note what sed I wasnt to go up any hills and not go fast. Mr Morgan poot the monee in a purs which had "My Beer Monee" rit on it - red the note and sed "Yeh rite, get to the back of the pelican" We set off going fast and up hills to Chalphont Saint Peta to stop at a church hole so he cood stuff his face with cheep cake. Then we set off agayn up some more rotton hills wot wer even mor steep. I had a punkchoor and Jimbo helpt me fix it but old Morgan went off befor we had done it propa and we had to pedal like mad to katch up. He was going so fast that poor Lorrys geers got all stuk. He stopt at a pub in Hammersham cold the Sarasens Hed wear the landlord gave him free beer for bringing us kids to spend our lunch monee. Then he sed "Hoo wants to see captayn cooks monumant ?" No one did but he still made us go (up mor hills and throo a skaree wood with snakes and things) to a crumblee towa. Thows of us in the no sneeked up on the roof to dodge the nobby lektchoor that ensewed .That dun he took us to a cafe cold Durans for a mug of tea. Then he took us down a horibl bumpy canal toe parth back to Uxbridge but harf way ther he left Jimbo, Lorry and me by sum mor woods and shot off with sum of the new boys and skool swots. We had to find our own way home and Lorry got us lost for a bit and poor Jimbo fell off his bike and skraped his nee but in the end we all got home. Wurst day of the skool holidaze so far ! Puffing Loiterer
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