Name Blame and Shame

And the finger points at the ride leader. 11 for Lawrie's short Sunday jaunt to the Prop Cafe at Wexham, The Kings Head at Cippenham and the Red Lion at Langley. The morning coffee stop at the Prop was a disaster as they had no coffee. Then our leader shot off before the group had fully assembled resulting in new girl Margaret turning left to follow the 3 disgruntled Loiterers who had decided to abandon the ride. When TEC Tony realised she was missing he had to cycle for miles to find her and bring her back to the main group, Arriving at the pub for lunch we discovered that they had no beer (alright I am exaggerating a tiny bit - they had to lay a new barrel on). Then on to the Red Lion where again the beer of choice was off. Other than that it was a great day out in glorious sunshine. Puffing Loiterer

Road Biking

A coffee stop with no coffee is a bit of a conundrum.
England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Aug 9, 2015 9:02 AM
duration : 6h 16m 41s
distance : 28.3 mi
total_ascent : 702 ft
highest_point : 345 ft
avg_speed : 4.5 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
And the finger points at the ride leader. 11 for Lawrie's short Sunday jaunt to the Prop Cafe at Wexham, The Kings Head at Cippenham and the Red Lion at Langley. The morning coffee stop at the Prop was a disaster as they had no coffee. Then our leader shot off before the group had fully assembled resulting in new girl Margaret turning left to follow the 3 disgruntled Loiterers who had decided to abandon the ride. When TEC Tony realised she was missing he had to cycle for miles to find her and bring her back to the main group, Arriving at the pub for lunch we discovered that they had no beer (alright I am exaggerating a tiny bit - they had to lay a new barrel on). Then on to the Red Lion where again the beer of choice was off. Other than that it was a great day out in glorious sunshine. Puffing Loiterer
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