Don't upset the Northern Deity
Uxbridge Loiterers
England, United Kingdom
time : Aug 26, 2015 8:52 AM
duration : 6h 23m 30s
distance : 20.7 mi
total_ascent : 410 ft
highest_point : 366 ft
avg_speed : 3.2 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Only a few Loiterers today as the threat of rain must have put them off. No one showed up for Little Miss Naughty's long ride so she went home in a huff to eat chocolate. The short and medium rides decided to combine and as the nine of us headed off it started to rain and then pour. We arrived, ironically, at Liquid Leisure for morning coffee thoroughly soaked. We sheltered there for over an hour while the rain went on and on - Don even tried praying to a Northern Deity of his but to no avail. Eventually it eased off and Don bolted for home while the rest of us plodded on to Wraysbury. And now it really came down. I'm surprised that the landlady let us into the pub as we left huge pools of water all over the floor. It rained and rained until the girls decided to make a run for it with Roy but he soon came back as he had forgotten his back pack. We carried on drinking and finally the sun came out. Heading back to Uxbridge I was surprised at how many roads had flooded but eventually we arrived at West Drayton where the group dispersed. We had all agreed that this was the worst ride ever.
Puffing Loiterer
Question of the Day: Was that really rain water under Gerry's chair ?