Cap'n Morgan blanks Cap'n Cook - so we get Gott

I'll keep this short as I'm sure the good captain is writing his own voyage log full of nobby Latin phrases and much reference to swooping. He managed to attract 14 followers on a promise of a visit to the Captain Cook memorial. Following a mostly off road route we arrived at the Kings Arms in Harefield where after a coffee break, 4 riders slunk away on the grounds that it was rather wet. The rest of us followed the captain to the Black Horse for lunch. It was there that he declared that he couldn't be bothered with the Cook memorial and insisted that we head back to Denham for tea in the Falcon. We were, to use a football term, well gutted. However, some pangs of guilt, resulted in him pulling up in Chalfont St Peter to point out the Sir Henry Thomas Gott monument - a rather poor stubby substitute for the Cook memorial. A very enjoyable ride with the captain on a bit of a damp day. Uxbridge to Uxbridge 23 miles. Outrageous Leafleter of the Day Award goes to Brian. Puffing Loiterer

Road Biking

United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Oct 29, 2014 9:36 AM
duration : 6h 20m 30s
distance : 23.3 mi
total_ascent : 1060 ft
highest_point : 518 ft
avg_speed : 3.7 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
I'll keep this short as I'm sure the good captain is writing his own voyage log full of nobby Latin phrases and much reference to swooping. He managed to attract 14 followers on a promise of a visit to the Captain Cook memorial. Following a mostly off road route we arrived at the Kings Arms in Harefield where after a coffee break, 4 riders slunk away on the grounds that it was rather wet. The rest of us followed the captain to the Black Horse for lunch. It was there that he declared that he couldn't be bothered with the Cook memorial and insisted that we head back to Denham for tea in the Falcon. We were, to use a football term, well gutted. However, some pangs of guilt, resulted in him pulling up in Chalfont St Peter to point out the Sir Henry Thomas Gott monument - a rather poor stubby substitute for the Cook memorial. A very enjoyable ride with the captain on a bit of a damp day. Uxbridge to Uxbridge 23 miles. Outrageous Leafleter of the Day Award goes to Brian. Puffing Loiterer
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