Uxbridge Loiterers
England, United Kingdom
time : Jan 14, 2015 9:56 AM
duration : 6h 56m 16s
distance : 27.9 mi
total_ascent : 978 ft
highest_point : 473 ft
avg_speed : 4.0 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
When Mr Morgan sed ther was a kulchooral skool trip to see sum old church in Langlee, I thawt I wood go as he also sed that we cood go into pubs if we was good. Don sed we was gowing in a posh coatch but it turned owt we had to go on the skool bikes (not Kylie Muldoon or Crystal Green ha ha). We got to the church and lookt at it then we went to a pub. Hooray. We had to drink coffee (boo) but Mr Morgan had cida. I notissed that Angela had sneeked off but I sed nuffink. Mr Morgan then mayd us cicle threw sum chavie estate and up and down a lode of rotten hills. Don sed 'nuts to this' and also sneeked off.. But he shood have stayd as we got to a pub and Mr Morgan let us drink beer. Good old Morgan. Then we had to cicle up and down mor horribal hills but then he let us stop at anotha pub and drink mor beer. I think he has what my Mum coals 'a drink problem'. Then we went home (he was so drunk that he forgot to giv us homework !!!!)
Uxbridge to Uxbridge short ride 27.9 miles (Mr Male the sums master will be very angry with him)
Puffing Loiterer