If you don't want lots of Loiterers on your ride then describe it as hilly.
Uxbridge Loiterers
England, United Kingdom
time : Mar 4, 2015 9:51 AM
duration : 7h 4m 6s
distance : 31.2 mi
total_ascent : 656 ft
highest_point : 288 ft
avg_speed : 4.4 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Woody managed to attract 20 followers for his medium ride today. Is he so popular or is it the fact that he described his ride as flat while Grandad described his short ride as hilly? The matter remains unresolved. First stop was at Flowerland in Iver, where Captain Morgan and the Roofer failed to spot the 20 foot sign and carried on past it. Should have gone to Spec Savers ! From there we headed through Langley Park until our progress was halted when Alan got a puncture. 6 Loiterers finally fixed it. On to Old Windsor and our lunch stop the Bells of Ouzeley. Post lunch we headed back via the Thames path and some off road tracks to Ritchings Park Golf Club for tea thence back to Uxbridge. A really enjoyable day out with Woody on a lovely day with loads of banter as per usual.
Uxbridge to Uxbridge 31 miles
Puffing Loiterer
Blind Bats of the Day Award goes to Captain Morgan and the Roofer