Neskowin, Oregon, United States
time : Nov 22, 2011 3:29 PM
duration : 2h 1m 49s
distance : 9.8 mi
total_ascent : 2376 ft
highest_point : 767 ft
avg_speed : 4.8 mi/h
user_id : croyle
user_firstname : David
user_lastname : Croyle
This trips shows the 10 miles or so I drove around exploring Forest Service roads, while checking out the Cascade Head trailhead here. I found the Hart's Cove trailhead at the western end of the roads while I was driving around too.I was out there during a huge storm - mostly high winds, around 75mph, which was really exciting on the exposed Cascade Head bluffs on my hike. I finally encountered one other vehicle - a pickup - when I was close to the highway on my way out.These are easy dirt/gravel roads and should be fine for most vehicles.