Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, United States
time : Aug 5, 2024 9:23 AM
duration : 6h 38m 55s
distance : 11.5 mi
total_ascent : 2411 ft
highest_point : 11450 ft
avg_speed : 2.4 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Hiked up to Trampas Lakes. Driving NE from Trampas, go ~1 mile on Hwy 76, make a right (SE) on FSR 207. There is an off-grid community for the first 2-3 miles and the road is smooth. Past that for the next ~6 miles, the road is fine but more rutted and has some big potholes. A truck does fine, a little rougher in a sedan. Trailhead has lots of parking and there is an outhouse.
Trail up to the lakes is really nice. Gentle grade, easy to follow, switchbacks in steeper sections. View of the first lake almost took my breath away, it is surrounded by steep rock walls. Loads of flowering plants in bloom. Saved the other two lakes in the area for the next trip in. Thunder started booming, so booked it back down the trail to my truck. Stopped by the FS office in Espanola to report maintenance findings, was told to call the Carson NF office.
Maintenance notes:
- Stepped over 6 trees in the non-wilderness section. Found another 14 trees in the wilderness, most could be stepped over but several were trail blockers and trails had developed around them.
- Wilderness sign could use refurbishment. Initials carved into it, graffiti, paint peeling, etc.
- Looks like the first bridge has washed out and some logs were wired together. Could use some attention, was a little sketchy to get across.
- Outhouse in parking lot could use paint over the graffiti.
- Most culverts were plugged and water was running over the trail.