Walker County, Texas, United States
time : Dec 4, 2024 7:36 AM
duration : 2h 2m 10s
distance : 12.4 mi
total_ascent : 210 ft
highest_point : 411 ft
avg_speed : 10.6 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Cleared openings for cyclists to use FSR 223. On the north side of the washout, left a tree across the road with a 3' gap. On the south side of the washout, positioned a barricade sign by the washout, then dropped a tree across the road with a gap for cyclists.
Other notes:
- The TH8 kiosk is missing the hiker map.
- The new gate across FSR 213 has a nice pedestrian opening. There is a shrub that needs to be dug out.