Houston County, Texas, United States
time : Jan 15, 2025 9:15 AM
duration : 4h 35m 44s
distance : 11.6 mi
total_ascent : 472 ft
highest_point : 397 ft
avg_speed : 10.1 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Worked with a DCNF Ranger and four TxCC members on the following:
- Staged three 6"x16' treated poles by the wilderness walkway. Had assistance from the fire crew moving the poles. To be used to rebuild the missing section, spans 18, 19 & 20.
- Selected a deck from ~span 30, transported to span #4. Trimmed one stringer to fit, then set the deck on span #4. This restores the walkway to span #17.
- Updated notices on the metal bridge kiosk and parking lot #1 kiosk.
- Repaired damaged walkway support on the Tall Pines walkway. A stringer had been attached to an adjacent stringer using a sister plate, the attaching nail corroded and the stringer dropped ~2". Lifted the deck back in position and installed header beams on both sides of the post using bolts. Also installed a bolt on an adjacent beam that had detached.