NW-c57 North Loop boardwalk cleanup

The boardwalk on the NL had several large tree trunks and other debris on the up stream side that with a heavy rain could cause damage to the boardwalk. Eric D and I were able to cut a large proportion of the downed trees. We cleared some of the smaller tree top branches of a pine tree to the downstream side and left remaining cut material for the Oct 19 work party with SHSU students. The wood was cut into small pieces to make it easier for them to be moved. We rode the NL to almost the Inner Loop to cut a hardwood branch hanging over the trail. I forgot to get a before and after pic. The NL section from the 286/SL intersection to the lower Inner Loop entrance is currently free of trees and is in good enough shape to be opened. Was fun to ride!

Mountain Biking

Huntsville, Texas, United States
ghvb8vsqcc photo
time : Oct 2, 2024 8:20 AM
duration : 6h 29m 33s
distance : 6.9 km
total_ascent : 108 m
highest_point : 156 m
avg_speed : 3.8 km/h
user_id : ghvb8vsqcc
user_firstname : Janis
user_lastname : B
The boardwalk on the NL had several large tree trunks and other debris on the up stream side that with a heavy rain could cause damage to the boardwalk. Eric D and I were able to cut a large proportion of the downed trees. We cleared some of the smaller tree top branches of a pine tree to the downstream side and left remaining cut material for the Oct 19 work party with SHSU students. The wood was cut into small pieces to make it easier for them to be moved. We rode the NL to almost the Inner Loop to cut a hardwood branch hanging over the trail. I forgot to get a before and after pic. The NL section from the 286/SL intersection to the lower Inner Loop entrance is currently free of trees and is in good enough shape to be opened. Was fun to ride!
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