The summit at snoqualmie, Alpental, Denny Mountain, Bryant Peak, Chair Peak, Guye Peak, Cave Ridge, Red Mountain, Kental Peak, Lundin Peak, Snow Lake
Washington, United States
time : Jul 30, 2013 3:05 PM
duration : 5h 20m 47s
distance : 3.1 mi
total_ascent : 3025 ft
highest_point : 6268 ft
avg_speed : 0.6 mi/h
user_id : harris
user_firstname : Harris
user_lastname : Hyun
It is only 3.1 mile round trip but, rocky, steep, over-grown... never an easy trail, especially on this hot summer day.
This is an unofficial trail. The TH is located just 30 ft below from the Snow Lake TH and there's no sign. At 0.6 mile, go straight to Snoqualmie mountain (Guye Peak to the right.) Snoqualmie mountain is the highest peak in snoqualmie area and I can say for sure that this is one of the greatest places to enjoy breathtaking 360 degree panoramic view on a good day.