Bring your snowshoe extensions and avalanche shovel.
snoqualmie,Asahel Curtis Loop, Iron Horse Trail, John Wayne Trail
Washington, United States
time : Feb 25, 2014 11:41 AM
duration : 3h 56m 58s
distance : 4.6 mi
total_ascent : 1133 ft
highest_point : 2907 ft
avg_speed : 1.3 mi/h
user_id : harris
user_firstname : Harris
user_lastname : Hyun
After quite a few days of heavy snow in the cascades, the sun finally came out. I decided to snowshoe Annette Lake trail and arrived there around at noon. I parked my car at ~0.2 mile and snowshoed Asahel Curtis Rd to the TH. There was nobody on the trail (I saw one skier who skied from Tinkham Rd.) From the TH to the switchback, Trail condition was not that bad even though snow was quite deep. But, from the first switchback, snow patches were getting way deeper and it was really hard to get through it even with my snowshoe and, eventually, my body sank down into the snow, OMG, my legs got stuck in it! Yes. I gave up and return back. I couldn't make it to the Lake but it was a fun snowshoeing with a little sunshine and gusty winds.