Washington, United States
time : Mar 16, 2014 12:19 PM
duration : 2h 5m 29s
distance : 3.3 mi
total_ascent : 933 ft
highest_point : 2769 ft
avg_speed : 1.6 mi/h
user_id : lynneh
user_firstname : Lynne
user_lastname : Harrison
This is a great close-in hike for folks in Kittitas County. Parking lot is at the very end of Umtanum Rd. WA Discover Pass required. The hike to the falls is pretty easy and family-oriented, but you can leave the trail after the falls, follow animal trails up a fairly steep hill but not too long, then you're up above the madding crowd, looking out across rolling hills and spectacular views. This time of year, even the initial trail is a bit of a challenge, going from dry trail to mud to ice. Dogs should be leashed from parking to the falls; but up into the hills can run free! Spring is just beginning to pop out but will be beautiful in just a couple of weeks.