Thalgau, Salzburg, Austria
time : Oct 4, 2024 8:47 AM
duration : 2h 3m 41s
distance : 2.9 mi
total_ascent : 1414 ft
highest_point : 4487 ft
avg_speed : 1.6 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Started my Hike at the Forsthaus Wartenfels 930 m 3050 ft. And made my way up to Ruine Wartenfels which is in Good Conditions and a Great Viewpoint, Spend some time walking around before I returned to the Hiking Trail which starts with a Caution ⚠️ Sign ( Experienced Hikers Only). That was definitely true today as the Trail was all wet from Last Nights Rain, The Trail is steep with many Logs and Wooden steps along Cable Protected Sections, in dry Conditions this would not be an Issue at all. The Summit holds a big Cross as well as a Summit Shelter which is quiet big. Didn’t stay long and went down towards Frauenkopf, another Summit Cross along the Loop-hike. Also this Side is Cable Protected and not any easier than the Main Route. Today was just not the Weather for this kind of Hike. I’ll be back.